Mobile Ordering FAQ’s

What is rGuest and how does it work?
rGuest is an online food ordering platform that lets you place orders from your desktop, smartphone or cafe kiosk. You will be able to view the menu, pre-order food, select a pick-up time and pay within the platform for fresh, made-to-order meals.

How do I access the ordering platform?
Mobile or desktop:

Do I have to preorder?
No.  You can also visit in-person and order from the café kiosk.

Can I still walk up to a person and order from a café station?
No. All ordering is done from your desktop, smartphone, or café kiosk. However, the cafe staff is still available to assist and answer questions.

How can I pay?
Major credit cards, mobile payment apps, and digital wallet only.

Can I view the entire menu in one glance?
View the menu by navigating through the different category options. To see the full menu in one glance, sign-up for Menu Mail:

Can I view my order history?
Yes, you can view your order history, if you have created an account. If you’d like to reorder an item from this list, it will automatically appear after you select the date & time of the day you would like to pick up your order.

Is it possible to customize items in my cart?
Yes, items with possible customization will provide an option to select which add-ons you would like to include and what items you would like left out.

Can I edit my shopping cart if there is a mistake at checkout?
Yes, in the “My Cart” screen you can change the quantity option for each item. You can remove or add items from your cart. If you’d like to change the customization of a specific item or add an item on the side, you will have to go back through the menu.

If I decide to cancel my order and start over again, why does it take me all the way back to selecting a time and doesn’t just go back to the home page?
The reason for this is that the time slot that you originally picked may no longer be available. Therefore, when you start your order over again, it may ask you to reselect a time slot.

How do I know when my food is ready for pick-up?
If you enter your phone number while setting up your account, you will automatically receive a text notification once the order is complete. Otherwise, you can refer to the café status monitors, which will list your order number when ready.

How do I change the quantity option for custom-build orders?
You will be able to change the quantity of your custom-build orders during the checkout process.

I need a receipt for my purchase, how will I receive a copy?
The mobile ordering site will send you an email once your order has been completed.

Can I still order retail items, such as movie tickets or stamps?
Yes, you can order them from the café kiosks. Once ordered, show your receipt to one of the café attendants nearby and they will retrieve/provide those items.

I have additional questions not answered here, who can I talk to?
Please contact Bon Appetit General Manager, Clif Clehouse: